What Should You Expect Following A Standard Eye Exam?


Getting an eye exam is something that most people will go through at one point or another in their lives, especially as they start to grow older. If you've never had one before, you should know that there are some steps taken that can potentially impact you after an eye exam. Here's what you should know and how you can manage it.

Dilating Drops

One of the things that an eye doctor will do while examining your eyes is to place eye drops in them. These are special eye drops that are designed to make your pupils dilate. This effectively opens a window in your eye, allowing the eye doctor to look inside at the interior of the eye for indications of damage or other problems.

However, these eye drops usually remain in effect for a while after your eye exam. This means that you'll need to be prepared and take necessary precautions following your eye exam.

Sun Protection

One thing you'll definitely want to do, providing you're not leaving the office at night, is to wear sunglasses when you leave. If you don't have any or forget to bring yours, most eye doctors have disposable sunglasses that they can provide you with for free to keep your eyes safe.

This is an important step that should never be skipped. The pupils are the natural defense system of the eye that help prevent excess light and UV radiation from getting in and harming the more sensitive parts of your eyes. If they don't shrink while you're in direct sunlight, you could hurt your vision.

Vision Blurriness

Another thing to consider is that some people experience mild vision blurriness after an eye exam, once again from the dilating drops. In addition to defending your eyes from excess light, the pupils also play a role in allowing you to see clearly. When it's bright, they narrow in order to let in less light; when it's dark, they open up to let in more light. Once the light reaches your retina, it creates an image in your mind. An abnormal amount of light entering the eye can cause your vision to appear slightly blurry.

For most people, this won't be a problem. However, if you find that you can't see clearly enough to drive home at the end of your appointment, consider spending some time in the waiting room until your vision returns to normal. Alternatively, call for someone to drive you home.

All of these effects are temporary and painless, so rest assured that this won't be a permanent problem.


15 June 2021

A New You

Growing up, one of my best friends was also my cousin. This special cousin and I shared something in common. We both had fiery red hair. When we were kids, many people thought we were sisters when they saw us together. Sadly, my cousin was born with crossed eyes, and because of her condition, she was often ridiculed by the other kids at school. As we grew older we began researching modern ways to correct her problem. Together we found the perfect solution. If you were born with crossed eyes, don’t despair. You do have hope. On this blog, you will discover the latest treatments optometrists use to help cure a patient’s crossed eyes.