Are Eye Floaters Anything To Worry About?


If you've ever noticed the presence of floating spots in front of your eyes? If you have floaters and have been alarmed by them, your anxiety is understandable. In some instances, floaters are a completely normal part of life, but in others, they can be a sign that something's seriously wrong. This guide will explain what causes floaters and whether you should be worried or not. "Normal" Floaters and their Causes

24 December 2015

Pink Eye: Do You Need Eyedrops?


If you wake up one morning with one pair of eyelids stuck together and an itchy, red, watery, possibly painful eye, the first thing you should do is call your optometrist or ophthalmologist. Chances are good that you have conjunctivitis, more commonly known as pink eye. Sometimes, your eye doctor will prescribe you eye drops, but other times, you may be sent home without medication; the reason is that there are several different types of pink eye, and different drops work on different types.

3 December 2015

Diabetes And Your Eyes


Diabetes affects your eyes in subtle ways. You may not realize that you have a problem until you suddenly develop severe eyesight issues. Frequent diabetic eye exams by your vision center are needed to stay ahead of this damaging disease. Here is what you need to know about how diabetes affects your eyes and how to keep it from stealing your vision. Damage to Blood Vessels is the Problem Diabetes causes the blood vessels in your eyes to become weak.

11 November 2015

3 Warning Signs Your Child May Be Color-Blind And The Importance Of Early Diagnosis


If you think that being colorblind is a rare phenomena in humans, then you may not catch the warning signs that your child is colorblind. As many as 8-percent of all men and .5-percent of women today suffer from color vision deficiency, which is the clinical name for being colorblind. While most cases are inherited, many hereditary disorders skip generations, and you may not be aware that you had a color-blind great-grandparent or other ancestor.

20 October 2015

Understanding Cataracts


Failing eyesight can be an incredibly scary prospect. Cataracts affect a huge number of people every year, but thankfully, they can be treated with surgery. Whether you suspect that you might have cataracts or your doctor has told you that you have cataracts, you might be confused, worried, or just curious about how cataracts work. To help you out, here is an overview of what cataracts are and how they are treated.

1 September 2015

What You Should Know About How Hypothyroidism Affects Your Vision


Hypothyroidism is known to be a condition that affects your body's ability to produce and regulate thyroid hormone levels. What many people don't understand until a visit with an optometrist is that hypothyroidism can also affect the condition of your eyes. Understanding your underlying condition and treating your poor thyroid function is essential to treating any side effects that may affect your eyes. Here's a look at some of the things that your optometrist may notice if you have hypothyroidism.

17 August 2015

9 Tips For Recovering After Advanced Cataract Surgery


Advanced cataract surgery usually restores vision in most people who undergo the procedure. The recovery time can take up to a month. During that time period, it is important that you take every precaution you can to protect your eye health. Here are some tips to help keep your recovery on track.  Use the antibiotic eye drops prescribed for you. It is customary for patients to be given antibiotic eye drops after surgery to reduce the risk of infection.

14 August 2015

Do You Need A Corneal Transplant?


There are certain medical conditions and diseases of the eye that require you to get a new cornea. This procedure is called a corneal transplant. It is performed by removing your damaged cornea and replacing it with new cornea, in order to improve your eyesight. Here are some different reasons you might need the corneal transplant. Does your cornea look like a cone? Another reason you might need a corneal transplant is if your cornea is shaped like a cone.

13 August 2015

Improve Your Vision With Cataract Surgery And Lens Implants


Are you extremely nearsighted to the point that, if your glasses were to break or your contacts fall out of your eyes, you wouldn't be able to distinguish between a person and a chair in a room? Have you been developing cataracts as well? If so, then you could be a candidate for fixing 2 eye problems with a combined procedure. Surgery and Implants With today's technology, you can get your cataracts removed and improve your eyesight to the point that you won't rely on glasses or contacts for vision correction.

12 August 2015

4 Reasons To Get A Routine Eye Exam


If it has been awhile since you have had a routine eye exam, now is probably the time. Whether or not you currently wear contacts or eyeglasses, you still need to get an exam. Here are the top reasons to get an annual eye exam. Test Your Vision A common mistake people make is assuming they still have perfect vision, when they might not. Not only that, your vision might have changed since the last time you had an eye exam and now need new contacts with an updated prescription.

10 August 2015